Booking and Cancellation Policy

Hi there, thank you for your interest in booking online with Sacred Balance.

We’re here to help make your booking process as easy and hassle-free as possible. We understand that life can be unpredictable and know that sometimes you may need to reschedule or cancel your appointment.

We kindly request that you provide at least 24 hours notice when cancelling your appointment so that we can offer that appointment to another client on our waitlist. This allows us to make the time available for other customers.

Rest assured that your deposit will be held for your next booking or refunded.

However, in the case that we do not receive at least 24 hours of your cancellation or a no-show your $100 booking reservation fee will be deemed nonrefundable. We hope that you will appreciate our Booking and Cancellation policy.

Thank you for your understanding and we hope that you can appreciate our Booking and Cancellation policy at Sacred Balance.

We want to make sure that your experience is as smooth as possible. To ensure this, by booking your appointment with Sacred Balance, you agree to our booking policy.  We look forward to helping you achieve and align your goals! *Effective immediately for all new clients.

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