Sacred Insights – Tarot
Assists in highlighting the aspects of your life you may not be fully aware of at the moment,
What a Tarot Reading can do for You
You may be considering getting a Tarot reading, but perhaps you aren’t entirely sure about what will be involved, and what benefit it could be to you. Here are a few things to think about when considering a Tarot reading.
It can assist in highlighting the aspects of your life you may not be fully aware of at the moment, such as what influences are acting on you, what conscious and subconscious control you are exerting on your life, and how these various factors may manifest in the future. I will put particular emphasis on what blocks you are currently experiencing internally and externally, how you can act more effectively in your current situation, and what parts of your personality and life you are currently neglecting.
The Tarot is an excellent way of gaining a fresh perspective on life, or a specific situation. It can shed new light on old emotional problems, negative aspects of relationships, suggest parts of your life you are neglecting, and help you to make more balanced, insightful decisions, going into the future.
The Tarot is a superb analysis tool for getting a clear, detached view of what you are doing right now, and where you are heading. It can pinpoint patterns, steering you to areas where change can manifest and steer you toward success. It is a mystical method of inquiry and exploration, and is curiously accurate when describing life happenings.

When to have a Tarot Reading
There are various times when we seem to find it particularly useful to have a Tarot Reading.
Stuck in a Rut
When you feel stuck in a rut, or directionless – the Tarot can be very effective at suggesting new directions you could be exploring, or what unfinished business you have that is holding you in your current position.
New Phase
When starting a new phase in your life – some people like to have a Tarot reading close to their birthday, or other significant event, as they feel it’s a time when they are moving on to a new stage of their life. The Tarot may be able to suggest what changes are coming, what themes are going to be more important, and what directions you should be exploring in the next part of your life.
A New Project
When starting out on a new project – the Tarot can be very effective at suggesting what new factors need to be considered, what resources are available to you, what you may have overlooked, and what opportunities you may not have considered.
New Insight
If you are struggling with a part of yourself, or your life, and wish for new insight– the Tarot is an effective way of getting a new perspective on old situations, or suggesting what issues you need to address about your relationships, attitudes towards areas of your life, etc.

Major Decisions
When considering a major decision – you should not expect a Tarot reading to make a decision for you. However, a reading can highlight the most important issues to consider, suggest possible consequences of particular directions, and even suggest factors that haven’t been considered properly
Life Considerations
When you wish to think more carefully about yourself – a Tarot reading can give you a lot to think about when considering your own personality, the decisions you make in life, and how you interact with the world as a whole. If you intend to spend more time considering your life and the way you live it, a Tarot reading can be an excellent starting point.
Tarot Reading FAQ’s
Can a Tarot Reading tell the future?
If you don’t change the pattern in which you do things, possibly. Tarot captures a snapshot of the energy in your situation and will allow you to explore what will likely happen if you continue to do things in the same pattern as you have been doing. It shows you where you are headed. Tarot provides a glimpse into the future, which is never set in stone, so one can either choose to remain on the path they are already on, or to change directions to create their desired outcome.
The true benefit of Tarot lies in its 13 ability to counsel you regarding change if you don’t like the outcome. Suggestions can be given regarding how to alter the way you approach a situation so that a better outcome can be reached.
Tarot doesn’t tell you about an unchangeable future written in stone; rather it tells you what will likely happen if you don’t make life changes and from there allows you the opportunity to personally transform your life’s outcome through knowledge and the shifting of patterns.
Whether you choose to follow Tarot’s advice is completely up to you. We don’t have one future that is written in stone. Rather, we each have multiple futures, and the choices we make determine which future we head toward. What is interesting, though, is that when a client does not heed to the Tarot’s messages for changes, almost inevitably the description of events to follow inevitably unfold.
Is the future written in stone?
No. I have learned that the future is based on the decisions we make every day out of Free Will. You can change your future in a microsecond. We can change our lives and our future with the decisions we make (for good or for ill), and Tarot brings to the forefront what is working and what is not. By clarifying what you can do to improve your future, Tarot becomes a powerful and wise tool of guidance for understanding and for life improvement.
This is where tarot beams, as creating your best 15 future.It makes you aware of your choices and clarifies your situation. Timing questions are very difficult to answer because of the nature of Free Will. At any moment, you have the power to make adjustments or detours in your life and change outcomes of the timing. This applies to other people around you as well. The best questions are those that empower you to make the timing work to your advantage.

Contact me for more information about how a Tarot Reading can help you clear any blockages in your life.
If you would like to book in a Tarot Reading we offer face to face or online- zoom facetime and phone appointments.